Annika and Danielle - Jamie Oliver - Teach every child about food.
Brigitta and Mia - Sherry Turkle - Connected, but alone?
Elsa and Triinu - Tracy McMillan - The person you really need to marry.
Johanna and Silvia - Susan Cain - The power of introverts.
Sander and Rene - Nick Bostrom - What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?
Mark and Hardi - Julian Treasure - How to speak so that people want to listen.
Janeli and Melissa - Kalina Silverman - How to skip the small talk and connect with anyone.
Karl and Kristen - Amy Cuddy - Your body language shapes who you are.
Liis and Piia-Liis - Larry Smith - Why you will fail to have a great career.