Divide yourselves into two EQUAL groups (9 people in each). Those two groups will make their own A-Z Of Scientists. Take the whole English alphabet and find a scientist (past or present) for each letter. I'd like you to add a photo of him and write a 3-4-sentence description of him (leave out the birth date and when he died). Please, don't copy/paste the descriptions form the Internet. Instead, work out the best possible description of what the person (has) achieved IN YOUR OWN WORDS. And with some letters I imagine you have a choice to make, so choose the most OUTSTANDING scientist for each letter.
Do it in Drive and as a Google document (not slideshow). Share it with me already on Wednesday, then I can see how much work you managed to do in a lesson. Add your names to the document as well.
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If there are any questions, send me an email contact me on Messenger and I'll try to answer quickly.